Tuesday, July 21, 2009

eXams,rEcitation,assignmEnts at ano paba???

..kung alam nyo lang..patayan talaga ngayon pagdtaing sa pagaaral ng ganitong kursO..nakakapagod talaga at nakakatuyo pa ng utak..nasAan na ba kya ang utak ko??>>malamang peng nasa paGamutan na..hEmorrhage na ang inabot..haha
..wala na bang awa ang mga guro dito??
long quiz kay sir loPez..
recitation ng pagkahahaba habang article kay sir soc..
assignments na walang bukas kay sir barone..
..asan na ba ang pahinga??wala na ata..
wish ko lang talagang mkasurvive ako sa mga subjects na ito ngayong araw..
..go..go..go..kaYa ko ito
sus ito lang??
>>nakuh peng yan pa nga lang nosebleed ka na..hehehe
oo alam ko..kaya nga gudlak saKin♀♀♀

..mY am♥r..

lve of my life,

..i thank God for giving you into my life,i am very happy that i met you,became my lver and part of each other's life..i never regreted the day i said 'i lve you',i mean it,though we are far from each other by distance but we are still near from each other by heart..

..THANK you for making me feel special and accepted,for showing me that im still worth it for love and care..thank you for understanding me,for cathcing me when im falling,for making me realize things and helped me for becoming a more matured being,for grasping my hands when im down and most of all,for loving me unconditionally..

i hope that this lve story of ours will definitely lasts and whatever catastrophe will came,still we hold each others hands tightly and never let go.

..as long as i am breathing,surely you are my ONLY ONE,there's no one in this world shall take your place here in my heart..

..there's no exact words in this world which could define my lve for you, i am greateful that i had you, i am hoping someday that i wake up in my bed and the first person i will glance with is yu..

..favor??please take good care of my heart because once someone borrowed it but returned it broken and bleeding,i cant afford to loose another battle of love again,the pain is killing me..

i wanted you so badly,,so please stay with me forever...


aNd i L♥Ve U SΘ

♀♥♀this song is dedicated to my beloved namely,Francis♀♥♀

Come and lay here beside me

I'll tell you how I fee

There's a secret inside me

I'm ready to reveal

To have you close, embrace your heart

With my love Over and over

These are things that I promise

My promise to you

For all of my life

You are the one,

i will love you faithfully foreveR

All of my life you are the one

I'll give to you my greatest love For all
of my life.Ooohhh..O yeah...

Let me lay down beside you

There's something you should know

I pray that you deciide to

Open your heart and let me show

Enchanted worlds of fairy tales

A wonderland of love

These are things that I promise

My promise to you

All of my life

With all of my heart

These are things that I promise

take care(:

Sunday, July 19, 2009


..i dOnt wAnt tO be hUrt..sΘ i mAsteRed leTting gO..


..AHAIxT..meron parin talaga akong hinahanap..hindi ko alam kung ano pero alam ko,malalaman ko rin yun at aking makakamtan,kung hindi man ngayon..malamg bukas..hahaha
..ang saya ng buhay..hindi ko akalain na magiging ganito ako after ngBreak up ko(3 months ago)..sa totoo lang naging manhid talaga ako sa nararamdaman ng ibang tao,, i do not easily trust guys(pinaka??)..naku mahirap na,baka saktan lang ako..i cant afford to have that this time..xUper skit pdin kYa..
..aiii sandali,..meron pla akong bf,,francis name nya..hindi xa tgarito..aun ngkakilala kmi dhil sa kpatid ko,,ngkakatx and tumatawag hanggang sa maging KAMI na nga..
...ang saya lng ng relasyon namin,puro kami away at bati(irony)..hahaha..ewan ko ba sa relasyong ito kung bakit ganito nangyayari..marahil ang dahilan ay..hindi kami nakakasama dahil nga malayo tsaka i dont know ha kung talagang mhal nya ako,,un sabi nya,,kung ako naman ang tatanungin khit nga malayo ehh MAHAL KO ko na siya dahil sa mga bgay na gingawa nYa,,kahit maliit na bagay aun i really,really appreciate it//sweet kasi pti mga sinasabi..
..recently nga nagaway kami..dun pa talaga sa first monthsary namin..aun my hindi lnng pagkakaintindiha..[ito kasi si babae nagselos ba naman]..nakuhh hah..ehh malay ko ba na tumulong lang sya..[yan kasi ehh..di muna nagtatanong..nagmamatigas agad]..huhu oo na nga..aun pti si bf nagalit narin ata[cno ba naman kasing hindi??huh??]..pero deep inside mahal na mhal ko talaga xa and malambot naman talaga ang puso ko pagdating sa kanya..[magsorry kana lang kasi]..ahayy..anu pa nga ba??
..Baby ko sana po magkabati na tYo..sorry kung hindoi kita binigyan ng chance to explaine..hOpe mapatawad mo ako..
..i love u very much..

i wish i cud make things right before its too late..

truely,my past experiences brought me to the bottom of no where, i cant let go of that nightmare,it still haunts me the moment i think of it,the moment i closed my eyes,there's nothing i can do except blaming myself and made me feel how nonsense i am and how i embraced ideocracy..insane indeed for i didn't give importance to the advices of my parents,i wish at first i've listened to them,they know the best and that was proven and most specially i did'nt give importance to myself,now i've lost almost of it i have nothing except a broken heart and soul.YES, i am totally broken..
..i met a man named Mark, after knowing each other he courted me,,and the courting stage lasts for almost or more than a month..
..the time i lent my love on him,,this day onwards our relationship became better but still i am not satisfied and happy beacause my parents is against in our relationship,but then i dont care,i said to myself that i'll defend and protect our relationship because i love him so much as so as he..
..BUT sometimes relationships encouters so many problems,there is jealousy and misunderstanding..i thought i knew him well but then i didn't..our love lived with so many lies,at first he definitely denying it until i discovered the truth..he confessed everything to me and explained that he just did it because he's afraid of loosing me..i tried and gave him the best of my understanding, we went on to our relationship until my parents discovered the truth..they very angry and almost hated me for being their daughter..there is one time when my father put out his anger on me,he said "hayop ka,siguro totoo lahat ng mga pinagsasabi ng lalaking un(he's pertaining to mark)nakakalow moral ang ginawa mo,wag ka ng umuwi ng bahay,kunin mo na mga gamit mo"..i was really2 shocked,theres nothing i can do but to cry and cry and cry..i dont know else what will i do..
..i am really demoralized that time,haggard and wasn.t able to feel that i am still accepted,even my bothers and sister,also my relatives,they already knew what happened and got interfere,they gave advices and told me to let go of this feeling,i am still young and good fortune awaits me..i am confused,i dont really know what to do and what to think,,after days have passed i've decided one thing for myself..LETTING GO is sometimes necessary to save one's life
..mark and i broke up,,but still memoires hunts me and keep reminding me how i love him so much,,until now there still a space in my heart that he is occupying..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

..hOpeless romantic..

..i am a princess of no one,who dreams of living in a place called 'HEART', a dreamer of a good fairytale love story of my own and a searcher of my destiny..
Agapi mou
..i am a dreamer of a man who'll proudly shout to the world that i am he's only woman,whom he is not ashamed of introducing me to his family and friends,whom will serve as my 'knight in the shining armor' and defend me not because he just wanted me,but because he needs me as his woman,whom will lend me his shoulders in times of my pains,whom will i adore not because he is cute nor handsome but because he is nice and sweet,whom i would see the future with,whom will appreciate and accept the whole me,whom will share secrets with me,whom will render patience and loyalty,whom will give me his sweet kisses and hugs,whom will not afraid of showing his tears,my LOVER,and most specially whom will make me laugh and proudly say ' i am the most beautiful woman whom he'd ever met'
..MAN of my DREAMS..i am waiting for YOU.
s'agapo (Σ'αγαπώ)--i love you
[sakit,init,lamig at pighati] ..

..the world is unpredictable,sometimes it is fair but most often it is not..
..i tend to fight over and over,think positively and give the best and as much as i can,but then i failed..my past experiences taught me one thing,hold strong for i am a fighter..
..this is the irony of life the best thing i can do is to cope with it,live it and learn from it.,