Tuesday, July 21, 2009

..mY am♥r..

lve of my life,

..i thank God for giving you into my life,i am very happy that i met you,became my lver and part of each other's life..i never regreted the day i said 'i lve you',i mean it,though we are far from each other by distance but we are still near from each other by heart..

..THANK you for making me feel special and accepted,for showing me that im still worth it for love and care..thank you for understanding me,for cathcing me when im falling,for making me realize things and helped me for becoming a more matured being,for grasping my hands when im down and most of all,for loving me unconditionally..

i hope that this lve story of ours will definitely lasts and whatever catastrophe will came,still we hold each others hands tightly and never let go.

..as long as i am breathing,surely you are my ONLY ONE,there's no one in this world shall take your place here in my heart..

..there's no exact words in this world which could define my lve for you, i am greateful that i had you, i am hoping someday that i wake up in my bed and the first person i will glance with is yu..

..favor??please take good care of my heart because once someone borrowed it but returned it broken and bleeding,i cant afford to loose another battle of love again,the pain is killing me..

i wanted you so badly,,so please stay with me forever...


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